One day State level seminar on “Relecance of Gandhism” organised by Shanthi Arts, Science and Commerce College, Malavalli, held on 24th January 2012
One day State level seminar on “Emerging Trends Relating to Human Rights ” organised by Department of Political Science,JSS College Ooty road Mysuru held on 30th March 2013.
Two days National level seminar on “Globalization and Emerging Trends in Indian Politics ” organised by Department of Political Science, Science Basudev Somani College, Mysuru held on 14 & 15 February 2014.
One day workshop on soft skills on “Soft Skill ” organised by Post Ggraduate Satellite Centetre, Chamarajanagar, University of Mysore, Mysore Department of Political Science, Science Basudev Somani College, Mysuru held on 14 & 15 February 2014.
Reporter in the UGC sponsored State level one day Seminar on “ Credibility Crisis in politics and Administration in India”, orgnised by the department of Political Msore held on 14 and 15 February 2014.
one day State level seminar on “Leelavathi Ganitha” sponsored ” Sponsored by UGC and organised by the Department of Matametics, JSS college for women, Chamarajanagar held on 7thth March 2015.
one day State level seminar on “Empowerment of Women in Contemporary Society” Sponsored by UGC and organised by the Department of Sociology, JSS college for women, Chamarajanagar held on 31st March 2015.
Two day UGC sponsored State level seminar on “Socio-political and Economic Consequences of local bodies in Karnataka” organised by Department of Economics and cooperation and Public administration and Department of Sociology, held on 04-11-2015 and 05-11-2015.
UGC Assisted one day Workshop on “How to Motivate Research Activities in Colleges” held on 22nd July 2015 organised by OQAC, JSS College of Arts and Commerce, Gundlupet.
National seminar on “Crisis in Social Science/Political science: Identity, Research and Relevance” organised by department of studies in Political Science, University of Mysore, Manasagangothri, Mysore in Collaboration with Indian Council of Social Science Research, Hyderabad held on 09 .09.2016 and 10 .09.2016
One day State level seminar on “Enhancing English Communicative Skills of Teachers”” Sponsored by UGC and organised by the Department of English, JSS college for women, Chamarajanagar held on 26th march 2015.
State level one day Seminar on “ Dr.B.R. AMBEDKAR AND INDIAN CONSTITUTION”, orgnised by the post graduate department of Political Science, Govt First Grade college chamarajanagara. held on 10th May 2016.
UGC Sponsored One Day State level Seminar on “Democratic Decentralization and Inclusive Development: Issues and Challenges for Third Decade of Panchyath Raj in India”, orgnised by the department of Political Science, P.E.S. College of Science, Arts & Commerce, Mandaya held on 17th February 2017.